About Me
Me in a nutshell
I'm just another person here, really. I live in Massachusetts with my parents, siblings, and cat. I am a defender of Christ and do tech things.
Hobbies & Interests
Amateur radio! Callsign KC1UTV. Got my Technician license back in May 2024, my General in November, and have been hooked ever since. If you are also a Ham and are interested in making a QSO, contact me! If not, get on that!
Programming! Usual spiel here. I enjoy creating stuff, whether it's a game, website, or tool. Currently messing with advanced web dev technologies (Vue.js in particular).
Motorsports! Nothing much to say here. I'm always watching the current weekend's NASCAR and Formula 1 races (making me somewhat depressed in the winter), and have a unique enjoyment for monster trucks (I'm not childish, you're childish!)
Well, I'm still in high school so I don't have too much professional experience. However I am currently working as a web developer for a local hair salon. Otherwise, in September 2025 I'll be starting a degree in Cybersecurity!