What's happening now?

Last updated 2024-11-19

I started my senior year of high school back in August, well, it was the 30th, so it may as well have been September. I already have plans and have applied to my university of choice, so that will be an exciting adventure in a little under a year. I've also started my first formal job, I'm helping the business my mother works at create a new website because the original one was, in their own words, "not good".

As stated above, I am an amateur radio operator, in fact I only got my license back in May. I'd like to keep saying I just got it, however the 6 month mark has already been surpassed, so I realistically now have to say just "I got my license". Anyway, with all this, I've done something I wouldn't normally do, however my passion for this is strong, so, I've started a club; the Amateur Radio Club, of course! We're currently very small, with only about two active members excluding me, however I am forseeing it to grow in the near future... hopefully anyway.